On Saturday March 14th we put a post out on Facebook with an idea…..
We wanted to get cooked nutritious meals to our most vulnerable residents, to support them during these very difficult times.
That Facebook post reached almost 15,000 people! And as a result we have had more than 40 volunteers come forward offering to help and also many offers of donations, including 200 new books to help support mental health and well-being during time spent in self-isolation.
Since then, Team Larder have worked 24/7 to get this project off the ground.
It’s been a massive undertaking, and it’s taken a lot of time and planning to bring together many local organisations and businesses to create #CookingForOurCommunity
We are extremely proud to be working with
Age Concern Central Lancashire
The Foxton Centre
Community Gateway Association and many more to support the people of Preston.
Ralph Livesey
Sharrocks Fresh Produce
The PEAR TREE Penwortham
Edith Rigby House
And many more for the amazing food donations and support to help feed our community.
We are working with Preston Community Transport, to look at ways of getting deliveries out to more people across the Preston area
We have received fresh food donations from Preston’s fresh produce wholesalers, and from Preston Market
We now have freezer capacity courtesy of The Pear Tree Inn
In just 2 weeks we have worked together to put in to place a project which is already making a massive difference locally!
We are amazed at the phenomenal support for our Crowdfunder which has now reached over £5000 with
106 people who have already pledged their support – and to them we want to say a massive Thank You!!
This week we have cooked and delivered almost 200 nutritious meals for people in our local community who were identified as needing this support.
We now have a regular supply of fabulous food donations; much needed donated freezer space and a bank of volunteers from every walk of life to help us support the community.
This is just the beginning! We are now looking at the next stage of this project, we need to scale up and get to everyone who needs our support, to ensure they are fed.
*We are in desperate need of the following:-
Hot boxes
Takeaway containers/packaging
Labels and printing
Please help us to achieve this –
• every Facebook like and share,
• follow us on Twitter @LarderLancs,
• get in touch by emailing
• Please support our Crowdfunder:
Thank you! From everyone at Team Larder #CookingForOurCommunity