The Larder COVID-19 Story – Read about our immediate response HERE

Cooking for Our Community
Cooked nutritious meals delivered to people who may be struggling at this time.
Working closely with many organisations across the area including Age Concern, Community Gateway Housing & Preston Community Transport.
Food donations from many of the local businesses including Fresh and Fruity, Banana King, Liveseys Butchers, Sharrocks, Morrisons, UCLan and more.

Kids In The Kitchen
Working closely with Community Gateway Housing we are bringing our Kids In the Kitchen programme in to the homes of families so they can enjoy cooking and eating together.
This October half term 2020 we delivered 50 ingredients kits to families to bake a cake and share their creations with the hashtag #CGABigBakeOff20 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Over the Summer we provided almost 100 families with recipes, ingredients kits and online videos to cook together.

Preston Community Cook-Along
As part of our new campaign to Lean Into Local and encourage Preston to support local business, producers and growers we delivered fresh, local ingredients to 250 households across Preston for the Preston Community Cook Along on Thursday 12th November 2020
The ingredients, recipe and videos were used by more than 1000 people who all cooked a delicious Lancashire hotpot