Who’s looking forward to pancakes this year?
Here at the Larder we are so excited we want a pancake party! Our video, recipe & shopping list are ready. We just need you! We would love to see your pancake pictures on Tuesday February 16th
Please click on the pictures below for the shopping list and recipe links:
- Pancake flipping faces – pleased or sad – show us how you feel about your pancake flipping
- Show us your pancakes! lets see your creations
- Show us your delicious fillings. how do you eat yours?
- Short video of you making or flipping or eating your pancakes.
**Winners picked at random will receive a Preston Gift Card
Tag the Larder in to your pictures across our social media
- Facebook @larderlancashire
- Twitter @larderlancs
- Instagram @larderlancs
So lets get flipping!